Terms and Conditions


This is the current privacy policy of Cruise Lines International Association ("CLIA") with respect to personal information collected through CLIA's websites and/or via CLIA's membership application process.

CLIA may collect and retain information that you supply to CLIA. It is also possible that information is automatically sent to CLIA by your web browser and that this information is passively collected by CLIA's system. CLIA's system may also collect aggregated data, such as the number of "hits" on its website each day. Membership data collected manually or through 3rd party systems operated by CLIA is also covered by this policy.

By submitting any such information to us, you agree to the terms of this policy with respect to the information submitted. In all cases, CLIA reserves the right to collect, store, maintain, use and process the information submitted by you for any lawful purpose. CLIA may provide such information to others, including our Member Cruise Lines and/or Executive Partners, without any restriction on its use. Additionally, in all cases, CLIA reserves the right to use any such information for the purpose of investigating security breaches or cooperating with legal authorities pursuant to a legal or security matter.

CLIA reserves the right to modify and update this policy at any time, and such updates or modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting to this website.

This website includes hyperlinks to other pages. CLIA makes no promises or guarantees regarding data collection at the hyperlinked pages and or privacy policies of sites that are not owned or controlled by CLIA. CLIA recommends you read and understand the privacy policies for each site that you visit.


Membership of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Australasia is open to active travel agencies (“Travel Agency”) and individual travel agents (“Individual Travel Agent”) (including home-based or mobile travel consultants/agents), who are based in Australia, New Zealand, or Asia. 

When applying to join CLIA Australasia as a travel agent member (Member), the Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent must be the holder of either:

a) a registered Australian Business Number (ABN) issued by the Australian Business Register - Australian applicants only

b) a registered New Zealand Business Number issued by the New Zealand Companies Office - New Zealand applicants only

c) official registration/certification as a Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent under the registration requirements of their country of residence 

Where there is a requirement to be registered or licensed as a Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent in any country where the applicant operates, the applicant must hold the necessary licence or registration, and must provide evidence of this to CLIA Australasia on request.

All corporate policies, procedures and consumer marketing activity of the Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent must comply with consumer law in Australia and/or New Zealand (as applicable), and in every country in which the applicant conducts business. The Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent must have in place adequate complaint handling policies and procedures that are subject to regular review. In applying for membership as a travel agent Member, the applicant agrees to ensure all of its travel sales employees undertake ongoing cruise industry training and professional development.

Each Travel Agency and Individual Travel Agent must be able to provide evidence to CLIA Australasia of current trading as a travel agent. Acceptable proof of trading may include:

Valid IATA accreditation
Valid ATAS / TAANZ membership
Trade references from 2 CLIA member cruise lines
Contract to act as a home based agent for a CLIA member travel agency
In addition:

Professional Indemnity Insurance
Existing Members who have not yet provided evidence of trading as a Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent will be asked to provide such proof. CLIA Australasia reserves the right to refuse an application for membership or terminate membership where sufficient proof cannot be provided.

The use of any materials provided by CLIA Australasia or any of its affiliates to Members are for the use of that Member and its employees only, unless otherwise approved in writing by CLIA. Members may not on-sell, sub-license, assign or provide to any other party any trademarks, intellectual property or training materials owned or provided by CLIA Australasia or its affiliates. Furthermore, Members may not provide access to the Online Learning Academy to any third parties, including other travel agents, students, organisations or any individual, without CLIA's prior written approval. Any such activity is a breach of associated copyright laws and may be subject to legal action. 

Any materials provided by CLIA Australasia or any of its affiliates to Members to promote Cruise Month are for the use of that Member and its employees only, unless otherwise approved in writing by CLIA. Members may not use, on-sell, sub-license, assign or provide to any other party any trademarks, intellectual property or Cruise Month materials owned or provided by CLIA Australasia or its affiliates for any other purpose than to promote Cruise Month activities 

In the event of a breach of these terms and conditions by the Member, CLIA Australasia reserves the right to cancel the Member’s membership without any recourse to refund or waiver of any of CLIA’s rights against the Member.

CLIA Australasia is not obliged to accept the application of any applicant. Individual membership of CLIA Australasia is personal and may not be transferred to any other person.


Membership of CLIA Australasia is granted on an annual basis and is valid from 01 January through to 31 December.

Invoices for annual membership will be issued at the beginning of November each year and fees are payable no later than 31 December. CLIA Australasia will automatically suspend membership (including access to the Members’ area of the CLIA Australasia website and the Online Learning Academy) for any members who have not fully paid their annual membership fees by 01 January.

CLIA Australasia Annual Membership Fees are available to view at www.cruising.org.au

CLIA Annual Membership Fees include access to the Travel Agent Rewards Program which provides all CLIA Travel Agent members with the opportunity to earn Bonus Commission and Rewards on their cruise bookings. A quarterly pro-rata membership option is available on request and offered at CLIA’s discretion, but this does not include enrolment into the Travel Agent Rewards Program. 

January to March 100% of annual fee payable
April to June 75% of annual fee payable
July to December 50% of annual fee payable

If you would like to enquire about pro-rata membership please contact us at info-aus@cruising.org.

Definition of Travel Agency Membership
Travel Agency Membership is available to a Travel Agency (online or bricks and mortar) that is actively selling travel services. Agency Membership is extended to employees of that agency, provided there is a direct “employer/employee” relationship.

For the avoidance of doubt, the benefits of the Membership may not be transferred, extended, made available or offered by a Travel Agent Member to any other party whether described as a partner, contractor, consultant or in any other way. In the case where an individual is “contracted” by a Travel Agency, and/or is “self-employed” or works from an alternate business address, the individual is not entitled to membership under the Travel Agency membership tiers and must then apply and pay for Individual Travel Agent membership.

The Travel Agency must purchase the appropriate tier of CLIA Membership based on the number of employees to be given access to CLIA Australasia‘s website and materials.

Definition of Individual Travel Agent Membership
Individual Travel Agent Membership is available to any single individual travel consultant who is either home based/mobile, employed by a Travel Agency that actively sells travel services (where the Travel Agency does not hold an Agency Membership), or has their own travel company (and wishes to take out a personal membership). Additional consultants cannot be added to an Individual Membership. The Individual Travel Agent may not transfer or extend the benefits of the Membership to any other party.

Upgrading Your Membership during the year
Travel Agency Members may add additional employees to their Agency Membership profile at any time during the year by upgrading to the appropriate membership Tier. If the total number of employees added to the Travel Agency takes the Agency to the next tier of membership, the Agency will be invoiced for the additional fees payable for the remainder of the year.

All Agency Membership fees are final and non-refundable, except as may be required by applicable law.

Cancellation of CLIA Australasia Membership
You may cancel your CLIA Australasia Membership at any time in writing (including by email) to CLIA Australasia. Any fees paid prior to the termination date will not be refunded and you remain liable for any unpaid Membership charges previously billed to you.


Members may display the official CLIA MEMBER logo on promotional pieces related to the development of the business of the Member and are encouraged to do so. Of course, such promotional pieces should conform to truth and good taste and must not be misleading. You are responsible for the accuracy of your promotional pieces and for compliance with applicable governmental requirements. The CLIA logo, trademarks, intellectual property and marketing, promotional or educational materials and information created or developed by CLIA Australasia and its affiliates may be used only in connection with the marketing and promotion of cruise, and for no other purpose, including marketing or promotion of any non-cruise products or services. Use of the CLIA logo is subject to the Travel Agency/Individual Travel Agent being a CLIA Member. Use of any of the CLIA logos or other CLIA materials is not permitted by any Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent who does not hold a current paid up CLIA Australasia Membership.


In 2021, CLIA introduced the CLIA Australasia Travel Agent Rewards Program which provided every CLIA travel agent in Australia and New Zealand with the opportunity to earn bonus commissions or other rewards on their cruise bookings. 

The CLIA Australasia Travel Agent Rewards Program will be offered as a BONUS MEMBER BENEFIT once again in 2023, offering bonus commissions and rewards on eligible bookings made with participating CLIA cruise lines between 01 January and 31 December 2023. Access to the 2023 CLIA Australasia Travel Agent Rewards Program will be given to a CLIA Travel Agent/Agency that joins or renews their CLIA Membership, and has paid the annual membership fee by 31 March 2023. For full terms and conditions associated with the CLIA Travel Agent Rewards Program – please select here.


The Travel Agent Finder on the CLIA Australasia website enables site visitors (“Visitors”) to search for Travel Agency Members or Individual Travel Agent Member using search criteria.

Members should note that use of the Travel Agent Finder is subject to the following disclaimers:

a) CLIA Australasia and its affiliates do not sponsor, recommend or endorse any Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Member that is accessible by or through the Travel Agent Finder. The Travel Agent Finder facilitates communication between Visitors and Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Members. CLIA Australasia and its affiliates do not guarantee that Visitors will successfully find a travel agent through the Travel Agent Finder.

b) Please use caution and common sense when using the Travel Agent Finder. CLIA Australasia and its affiliates do not review the standing of any Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Member with any regulatory authority or certifying authority. Therefore, CLIA Australasia and its affiliates make no representation regarding the status, standing or ability of any Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Member. When considering obtaining services from a Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Member, Visitors should independently confirm that Agency or Agent Member’s standing with the applicable regulatory and/or certifying authorities. 

c) CLIA Australasia and its affiliates do not involve themselves in the agreements between Visitors and Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Members or the actual provision of travel agent services in connection with the relationships created thereby. Therefore, CLIA Australasia and its affiliates do not make any representations regarding the competency, trustworthiness, honesty, integrity and/or behaviour of either its Visitors or Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Members. Each Visitor, and not CLIA Australasia or its affiliates, is solely responsible for assessing the competency, trustworthiness, honesty and integrity of all Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent Members that the Visitor contacts, or is contacted by, through use of the Travel Agent Finder.


CLIA Australasia reserves the right to terminate Membership should a Travel Agency or Individual Travel Agent not comply with the Terms and Conditions of CLIA Australasia Membership.

CLIA Australasia may also terminate Membership where a Member becomes insolvent or is subject to any form of insolvency event, including (without limitation) winding up, liquidation, external administration or bankruptcy, or where an application is made for any of the foregoing.

CLIA Agenices or Travel Agents are expected to uphold the professional standards of the cruise industry as a whole. Where Agencies, Travel Agents, or Executive Partners bring the industry into disrepute CLIA reserves the right to terminate or suspend membership at its discretion. In the event of membership being terminated or suspended, all CLIA logos and references to CLIA membership must be removed from any website, emails, or other promotional material. 


CLIA Executive Partner Membership is subject to the terms and conditions of the CLIA Executive Partner Program.

Fully paid CLIA Executive Partners in the Australasia region are provided access to the CLIA Learning Academy as a benefit. CLIA Learning Academy access is extended to employees of that Executive Partner company only, provided there is a direct “employer/employee” relationship.

For the avoidance of doubt, the benefits of the Executive Partner Membership may not be transferred, extended, made available or offered by an Executive Partner to any other party whether described as an affiliate, partner, contractor, consultant or in any other way. In the case where an individual is “contracted” by an Executive Partner, and/or is “self-employed” and/or works from an alternate business address, the individual is not entitled to access the Learning Academy under the Executive Partner membership and must then apply and pay for a separate individual or agency membership.

CLIA Australasia reserves the right to remove the Learning Academy access from any user on the Executive Partner’s profile who does not meet the direct “employer/employee” relationship requirement.

CLIA Executive Partners may display the official CLIA Executive Partner logo applicable to their Executive Partner community on promotional pieces related to the development of the business of the Member and are encouraged to do so. Of course, such promotional pieces should conform to truth and good taste and must not be misleading. You are responsible for the accuracy of your promotional pieces and for compliance with applicable governmental requirements. The CLIA logo, trademarks, intellectual property and marketing, promotional or educational materials and information created or developed by CLIA, CLIA Australasia and its affiliates may be used only in connection with the marketing and promotion of the Executive Partner’s brand and for no other purpose, including marketing or promotion of any affiliated products or services, and is always subject to the terms and conditions of the Executive Partner program. Use of the CLIA logos or trademarks is subject to the Executive Partner being a current fully paid CLIA Executive Partner. Use of any of the CLIA logos or other CLIA materials is not permitted by any company which does not hold a current paid up CLIA Australasia Executive Partner, Travel Agent or Travel Agency Membership.

CLIA reserves the right to terminate access to any Executive Partner Benefits should an Executive Partner not comply with the Terms and Conditions of CLIA Australasia membership or the Executive Partner Program.

CLIA Australasia may also terminate access to any Executive Partner benefits where a Executive Partner becomes insolvent or is subject to any form of insolvency event, including (without limitation) winding up, liquidation, external administration or bankruptcy, or where an application is made for any of the foregoing

Exhibitor and Sponsorship Terms & Conditions

By accepting an exhibitor or sponsorship package at a CLIA Australasia event, Sponsors and Exhibitors are agreeing to CLIA Australasia Exhibitor and Sponsorship Terms & Conditions which may be accessed here:

CLIA Event Terms and Conditions

By registering or purchasing a ticket for a CLIA event, attendees agree to CLIA Australasia’s Event Terms & Conditions which can be found here. 


This license is solely for access to training courses and resources. Use of the CLIA AUSTRALASIA TRAVEL AGENT REWARDS PROGRAMis not applicable to this license(for travel agents only).No users under this license are valid to win any CLIA, cruise lines, or executive partner promotions or incentives. 

Updated March 2023

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