The CLIA Learning Academy is your one stop shop for everything cruise. It includes CLIA cruise education courses to help you gain CLIA certificates, Cruise Line and Executive Partner product training, as well as cruise destination information and resources that can assist you as a cruise specialist.


Use the Catalogue button to access all learning content provided by CLIA Cruise Lines and CLIA Executive Partners .
(Note: These can be searched by the Authors field).


Learn all about CLIA Points, where to earn them and how to use them towards the pathway of CLIA certification.


Use the Certification button to learn about each CLIA certificate and what you need to get to the next level.

How to use the
Learning Academy

Use the How to use your Learning Academy button to access information and video tutorials that explain navigation through the Learning Academy.

CLIA Courses 

Select the catalogue menu button above to see full list of CLIA points courses.